I wrote a little book.

Such things can happen when you become an empty-nester and are at a bit of a loose end, I'm told. Who knew? You can read it just below, if you'd like. No opt-in or charge. (It's in a google doc for now.)

It’s a tale about a young woman who, travelling to an out-of-the-way town an ocean away, finds her 'life's calling' in a completely different direction than she'd expected around a fire-pit one night, and the taverna-keeper, family, and eclectic cast of characters who help her. Including the juggling senior, the little girl, the family Citroën, and the large 'Olivia'  with grey beard and motorcycle regalia who sashays rogue off-script.

It is my sincere hope that some "thing" will click for some "one" and a positive ripple will be created on the cosmic pond. If you like it, please share it far and wide. Or send it to that ‘someone’. (Thank you old friend Doug Howe for this sentence. I love it.)

By the way: If life purpose & direction, or put more bluntly: ‘figuring out what the sweet holy f**k am I doing with my life!?’ is a big question for you these days, this story could be of useful inspiration.


Some kind messages people have sent me about it so far.

“This was sooooo good! Reading this was like the best cup of coffee and the most rare glass of scotch all in one experience!”

“Just wow. I was so moved. You have an uncanny ability to get straight to people’s hearts.”

“Alex I absolutely loved Tamara & the Taverna-Keeper. I was transported into Tamaras life with your beautiful writing.”

“Thank you for sharing your beautiful, refreshing book Alex. I read it from cover to cover in one sitting and was taken on an inspiring journey. You are a gifted story teller!”

“The story touched my heart very much.”

“I loved how Tamara ‘had a plan’ of how her trip was to go but listened and trusted the sign posts along the way. It made her pivot which made her slow down, stepped into bravery, vulnerability but that unleashed these amazing gifts within her that ultimately led her towards her Calling.

“…so much in between the words that I’m going to read it over and over.”

“you created a very real and engaging world, populated with people who I know I would love to meet!”


Here's how it came about...

Video Poster Image

Your host: Welcome to my Big Dream Program

I'm Alex Baisley and this is my ‘taverna,’ you might say. (That’ll make more sense if you read the story!)

If you're wondering what you're doing with your life these days, Tamara & The Taverna-Keeper, and my whole program are about that.


Now, on to the tale...

Excerpt... 🙂

"After watching his wife head up the stone steps and around the corner to the street, he checked in on the couple in the corner. Still good. He went back to polishing his glasses and savouring the pleasant buzz he always seemed to have in his chest after her visits. All was right in his world.


Glass and towel meditatively at work in his hands, his sea-appreciating gaze then fell on a surprising and curious sight. He squinted to see better. 


There was a young woman just over the little bay, with… the side of her face, he was pretty sure, pressed against the tall stone wall of his friend’s garden..."


Before the link, I have 3 humble hopes. All of them selfish 🙂

  1. If the story means something to you, if it has a message you find helpful, you reach out and let me know!
  2. If you spot typos, you let me know! My eyes glaze over trying to find them at this point. 😜😵‍💫
  3. You might help me share it out, so I can get it into the right hands. My instinct is that there are folks around who could use the messages in this story about now, if I could only get it to them. If you'd like to share this tale with somebody (or on your social media), share THIS WEBPAGE you're reading right now! It's got the link to read it, the background, plus the google doc below is not shareable directly. 


That's it. Have at it 👇

Click here 👇

I'm sharing this in a Google Doc, because I want to edit it more before publishing it.

Read the Story

PS - A personal note from me.

I ❤️ working with people like Tamara, and like Barber #1 in the story and have spent the last nearly 20 years going so: Those who feel a deep desire to figure out their own unique way they can help our collective world and community, and also have a sane and satisfying personal life - rich in life-wealth. 

Why I, personally, do this work: I like to think of myself as a gardener, of sorts. I've spent the last two decades working full-time with folks who are out there making our community and world - or most importantly their inner world - a kinder place. And watching these people over years, I've had a ring-side seat to see the beautiful ripple effects the changes they make (big or small) has on others around them.

It's led me to believe that the solutions to our world’s problems, the many many many forms of beauty, music, art, peace, laughter and enjoyment, and breakthroughs in compassionate and kind-to-our-planet living that we have not heard of yet, but which will make life for all of us so much better...

Already exist

As seeds deep in the hearts of people out there right now - on sidewalks, crossing kitchens, on the subway, walking a path, or reading my words now. Someone is dreaming of changing their life, another of teaching kids how to connect with nature, another of writing their memoir, another to start growing their own vegetables with their family.

They feel this seed as a tugging in their heart. They feel its ‘call’. It may not be selfish to pay attention to it. It may be the most unselfish thing we could ever do.

So that the kids growing up amongst us can know at least one person who has chosen to live life differently. That may be the only thing they will need to unlock the seeds in their heart down the road. Knowing you.

I would die a satisfied man if I could be a gardener in this world of such seeds.

~ Alex